About Us

Nairobi Family Support Services (NFSS) is a Community-Based Rehabilitation (CBR) program established in 1982 by Action Aid Kenya and registered as a local NGO in 1996 by the Kenya National NGO Board.
NFSS aims to reduce the effects of disabilities among children in Nairobi’s urban slums, believing that these children should have opportunities to access quality health, education, and social empowerment.
Our dream is for all children with disabilities to reach their full potential as inclusive members of society, ensuring they are given the support and resources needed to thrive and contribute to their communities.
Our Vision
“We envision a world where everyone, regardless of ability, is dignified and given equal opportunities to thrive.”
Our Mission
“We provide family-focused, community-based services that empower people with disabilities and their families, enhancing quality of life and self-reliance.”
Our Core Values
- Inclusion: We support children with disabilities to find a sense of belonging in their community and ensure they are given equal opportunities.
- Trust: We are honest and transparent in everything we do.
- Courage: We encourage parents and caregivers to take action, embrace change, and build resilience.
- Integrity: We believe in doing what is right.
- Respect: We treat everyone with dignity.
Our Programs
NFSS programs improve the lives of children with disabilities.
Nairobi Family Support Services is a membership organization under the following four categories.
- Full members: This consists of parents of children with disabilities, guardians, and adult persons with disabilities. The membership fee is Ksh.500 with an annual subscription of Ksh.1,000
- Associate members: They are introduced to the organization by the full members with the approval of the Central Management Committee. The membership fee is Ksh. 2,000 with an annual subscription fee of Ksh.5000.
- Corporate membership: These are institutions and corporations that show interest in supporting our work. They have to express interest that is approved by the Central Management Committee. The membership fee of Ksh. 10,000 annually.
- Honoraria/Technical members: This shall consist of those persons/institutions that the central Management committee shall regard as having certain exemplary and highly rated technical skills, abilities, competencies, know-how, and any other added advantages deemed beneficial and/or which is in conformity with the organization laid down objectives, mission, and vision. This category is not entitled to a membership fee since they provide free services to the organization.
If you would like to be a member please fill out this form and we will get back to you.